Information for owner member


  1. 1Reservation

    • Online reservation
    • Phone reservation
  2. 2Arrival

    • Arrive at the resort
    • Present the membership card
    • Receive the room key
    • Prepare the registration card
  3. 3Check-in

    • Check amenities
    • Read the room guide
  4. 4Accommodation

    • Accommodation regulation
  5. 5Check-out

    • Check-out after arrangement of room
    • Return the room key
    • Pay fees

No. of days used

No. of days used
division Total Summer peak season Winter peak season Weekends Weekdays Remark
1/12 30 nights 4 nights 6 nights 8 nights 12 nights -
1/6 60 nights 8 nights 12 nights 16 nights 24 nights -
1/10 36 nights 4 nights 6 nights 14 nights 12 nights Artvillas Jeju

Lotte Resort Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations

Lotte Resort Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations
division Failure to make a reservation
Same day 1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
High Season Weekdays -15 -10 -7 -5 -3 -2
Weekends -20
Low Season Weekdays -10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weekends -15
  • ※The penalty score given due to violation of reservation will apply to the peak season (summer/winter) drawing for reservation, limiting the use in the peak seasons.

High Season

Lotte Resort Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations
division Failure to make a reservation
Same day 1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
Weekdays -15 -10 -7 -5 -3 -2
Weekends -20

Low Season

Lotte Resort Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations
division Failure to make a reservation
Same day 1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
Weekdays -10 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1
Weekends -15
  • ※ The penalty score given due to violation of reservation will apply to the peak season (summer/winter) drawing for reservation, limiting the use in the peak seasons.

Artvillas Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations

Artvillas Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations
division Room Access Cancelled
Same day
1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
High Season Weekdays +4 -10 -7 -5
Weekends - -20 -15 -7
Low Season Weekdays +4 -10 -7 -5
Weekends - -15 -10 -7
Cancellation policy - 100% 50% 30%
  • ※ Penalty points due to non-fulfillment of reservations may be applied during peak season and holiday lottery reservations and may limit the use of the period.
  • ※ Penalty score and penalty are applied at the same time.
  • ※ If canceled for more than 2 nights, the cancellation fee applies to the whole room.

High Season

Artvillas Condominium Membership Penalty Regulations
division Room Access Cancelled
Same day
1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
Weekdays +4 -10 -7 -5
Weekends - -20 -15 -7
위약금 - 100% 50% 30%

Low Season

분양회원 콘도 예약 시 페널티 규정
division Room Access Cancelled
Same day
1 day before check-in 2day before check-in 3day before check-in 4day before check-in 5day before check-in 6day before check-in
Weekdays +4 -10 -7 -5
Weekends - -15 -10 -7
Cancellation policy - 100% 50% 30%
  • ※ Penalty points due to non-fulfillment of reservations may be applied during peak season and holiday lottery reservations and may limit the use of the period.
  • ※ Penalty score and penalty are applied at the same time.
  • ※ If canceled for more than 2 nights, the cancellation fee applies to the whole room.

Drawing point

Drawing point
division How to request and confirm reservation Criteria for priority point for reservation
Content Confirmation of reservation through drawing

1.Members who have no record of violation

  • - Cancellation on the day of check-in and violation of reservation(No-show)
  • - Cancellation of weekday/holiday/weekday reservation by 7 days in prior to check-in(No-show)

2.Members with low number of uses

  • - Use record on weekends/holidays/peak seasons
  • - Weekday usage is reflected.

3.Other criteria

  • - Priority to the members who have paid in full
  • - Priority to the members who did not use the membership right in the previous holiday or peak season
  • - Members with low number of uses during the peak season / holidays within the period
Remark Allocation within the number of nights during the peak season